ChatGPT in employee hands

ChatGPT in employee hands
Much has been written about ChatGPT from an information security and privacy perspective. The supervisory authorities are putting the brakes on the train and trying to draw attention to how dangerous this tool is. Somehow, you don't want to believe the intoxication of its charm and skills, because vague terms like non-transparent information obligation, insufficient legal title or inadequate security measures do not mean much to you, and worse things have happened to data in the past anyway.
Making work easier vs. protecting society

Do you know the risks of using chatbots? What if we looked at a specific and real risk that could threaten your company?

Imagine a situation where you task your employee to check the terms of a contract with a vendor to see if, by chance, the new Cybersecurity Act is missing from an existing contract. The employee is drenched in sweat because he has never heard of such a law in his entire life, plus he plans to leave work early undetected to catch a family party. What now? The contract in its entirety and with your sensitive information is in ChatGPT, and it's already analyzing whether anything should be added.

What about it?

We're not saying not to use AI, but we would like to point out that whenever you use ChatGPT or a similar tool as part of your work, data about your work is sent to an external open model that is no longer under your control.

Using ChatGPT can also potentially violate any contractual confidentiality agreements you have with customers, copyright, or reveal information or knowledge that should not be disclosed.

The solution to this is to educate your employees, adopt specific guidelines for the use (or non-use) of chatbots or, for example, implement your own internal ChatGPT-based system. We've put together some basic guidelines for employees to guide them in using technologies like ChatGPT responsibly and safely.

Get ready for AI

How to work with AI safely or how to set a ban on its use in your company? We can help you develop a comprehensive policy to suit your company's needs.

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Do našeho malého marketingového týmu ve společnosti Cybrela hledáme novou posilu, která si vezme na starosti vývoj naší on-line vzdělávací platformy.
Do týmu hledáme nového nadšence do kybernetické bezpečnosti, který už ledacos v rámci kyber ví a umí, ale stále se chce rozvíjet a pomoc nám budovat kyberneticko-informační bezpečností různých společností.


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