Suppliers of regulated service providers

NIS2 v Česku, zlom v kyberbezpečnosti dorazí letos

The draft of the new Cybersecurity Act according to the NIS2 Directive does not forget about the regulation of suppliers of regulated services. What obligations will they have?

Money or data! What is ransomware?

Peníze, nebo data! Aneb co je to ransomware

Ransomware je typ škodlivého software s jediným cílem – zašifrovat vaše firemní data. Jak se proti němu mohou společnosti nejlépe bránit?

ChatGPT in employee hands

ChatGPT in employee hands

Tools like ChatGPT can make a lot of things easier in our everyday working lives. But they also put society at risk when used carelessly. How to work safely with chatbots?