Cyber Security – Legislative News


In cooperation with Weinhold Legal, we would like to invite you to a webinar focused on cybersecurity issues, in particular the NIS2 Directive and the new draft of Cyber Security Act.

During the webinar you can look forward to:

  • a practical introduction to cybersecurity, including
    current trends,
  • information on the status of the currently drafted legislation (implementation of the Directive NIS2),
  • tips on how to find out if and to what extent you are affected new legislation affects you,
  • an overview of the steps to take if you want to be on be properly prepared for the new regulation.


  • Tereza Hošková, Senior Associate, Weinhold Legal
  • Kateřina Hůtová, Cybersecurity Manager, Cybrela

Please contact Tereza Hošková at for any question.