Cyberattacks: How to protect your business

Kybernetické útoky v praxi: jak ochránit svůj byznys
Cybersecurity is a key part of both work and private life today. And more and more companies are falling victim to cyberattacks. That's why it's important to know how to protect yourself from cyberattacks and what steps you can take.
Cybersecurity measures are not limited to technical aspects. Businesses must also have legal protection to protect themselves from the potential legal consequences that may arise from a cyberattack. 
In this article, we look at some of the key legal issues that businesses should consider when ensuring cyber security.
What is cybersecurity?

First, we should clarify what "cybersecurity" means. This term covers a wide range of measures aimed at protecting information, information systems and business in general from cyber (and not only cyber) threats. These measures include, for example, protection against hacking, phishing, malware and other types of attacks.

Cybersecurity applies to any electronic information, including personal data, sensitive business information and other data.

In principle, businesses should have two main legal protections relating to cyber security.

  1. The first is private protection, which means contracting with various service providers who may be responsible for securing information systems or who may provide tools and software applications that help with cyber security.
  2. The second form of legal protection is public law protection, which includes rules and regulations relating to data protection and privacy. In this area, there are several laws and regulations, such as the GDPR, relating to data protection.
How to protect your business from cyber threats?

Cybersecurity and law are becoming increasingly important in today's digital age. Companies and individuals must be aware of the basic legal and technical aspects of cyber security to effectively protect themselves from risks and adverse consequences.

It can be costly, but in the long run, investing in protection is worthwhile and can save your company a lot of trouble and costs associated with cyberattacks and unauthorized access to sensitive information.

As cyber threats become more prevalent and sophisticated, organizations should take their cybersecurity very seriously and work with legal and cybersecurity experts to minimize risks and protect their sensitive information.

Get ready

We can help you with practical preparation of your company for the new cybersecurity legislation.

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