
In addition to the resilience of financial institutions, DORA also emphasises the security measures of their ICT service providers, who play an important role in the cybersecurity of the entire financial sector.
What are the obligations in the regime of higher and lower obligations under the draft of the Cybersecurity Act, which implements the requirements of NIS2 Directive?
More and more companies are falling victim to cyber attacks. That's why it's important to know how to protect yourself from cyber attacks and what steps you can take.
Draft law on the Cybersecurity Act (according to the NIS2 directive): the Legislative Council of the Government commented and recommended its revision.
The new Cybersecurity Act is due to come into force at the beginning of next year and enshrines in law the obligations required by the NIS2 Directive.
A new version of the Cyber Security Framework 2 concept has been launched. What do CFS2, ISO 27001 and NIS2 have in common? And should you follow them?
Regulation of cybersecurity in the Czech Republic after the implementation of the NIS2 directive. What regulations will govern cybersecurity?
DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Regulation), is a mandatory framework for risk management in the financial sector. What do you need to know about DORA?
New EU cybersecurity rules make hardware and software more secure – EU Cyber Resilience Act.


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