V rámci on-line semináře:
Enough space will also be devoted to practical discussion and pressing questions that every member of the statutory body asks.
On-line seminářem Vás provede
Contact and registration
Účast na semináři je zpoplatněna částkou 4 500 Kč (bez DPH) za osobu, která pokrývá náklady na semináři. Závazné přihlašování na on-line seminář probíhá prostřednictvím registration form.
If you have any questions about the content or organization of the event, please contact us at info@cybrela.com or veronika.lorencova@weinholdlegal.com.
We will help you create the foundations, principles and documentation for the effective security. We will teach you how to understand and rely on your security in case of incidents, so that it is preventive and does not limit the operations.
IČ: 17597943
Rybná 682/14
Praha 1-Staré Město
110 00
Dukelských hrdinů 564/34
Praha 7-Holešovice
170 00
© 2023 Cybrela